God, The Universe Super Mario Brothers and World of Warcraft


I want to make another attempt to describe oneness and these realms that I have been traveling to. In this place that I go to there is a God but I am him and he is me. And there is you and you are me and I am you also. We are all one. We are all different flavors of one. In this place we all know this and so we all love each other to the infinith degree.

I know that one of the beings that I communicate with when I am in this realm is me. It is me that is outside of time and me in my perfection. It is the me that has figured it all out and this me is helping me out to do whatever it is that I am doing here.

This makes complete sense right? No?

Ok then. It’s time to call Super Mario Brothers to help me out with this one.

“Mario… Lugie”… “Here we go”


Ok, so consider that you are playing the newest and greatest version of Super Mario Brothers. I guess that would be The New Super Mario Brothers for the Wii U right now. So as you are playing The New Super Mario Brothers you hit a secret block that reveals a small Nintendo Game Cube. Mario in the New Super Mario Brothers hits the game cube and all of a sudden you are now playing Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube. But unlike in real life in this version of Mario brothers these Mario’s are linked. So if you complete certain tasks in Super Mario Sunshine it will give you special abilities in The New Super Mario Brothers for Wii U that you are currently playing. But that’s not all. The Mario in Super Mario Sunshine can hit a block on level 5-2 and if he does it brings up a classic NES system. By hitting it Mario will enter into one of his original forms as the original Super Mario. By jumping on the turtle on level 3-3 and getting 99 extra lives your Mario in both The New Super Mario Brothers and in Super Mario Brothers Sunshine will also get 99 extra lives. Get it??

You can take this whole game analogy all the way back the original Donkey Kong Classic!

I hope that helps a little.


This same analogy can be used with World of Warcraft to give the same example. For those who are familiar with World of Warcraft consider this. Let’s say you are a level 90 Night elf Druid with all epic gear. You are a master Alchemist and an Herbalist and you wish to be a master Miner and Jewelry crafter. There is a special room hidden in a tree on the coast of Stranglethorn Vale that allows you to contact and become your character again at level 30 when you originally picked up Alchemy and Herbalism. You are then able to make these changes at level 30 and when you return to your character at level 90 to enjoy some good old fashioned mastery of Mining and Jewelry Crafting.

You get what I am saying don’t you?

I know it sounds far fetched but what I am getting at is that this is how it works off of our planet and outside of time. This is how we are multidimensional spiritual beings living various lives at the same “time”.

We purposefully stranded ourselves here by choosing to forget that we had these godlike powers. But we didn’t just choose to forget because we like pain and we on earth are closest sadomasochists. There was a purpose to us coming here and choosing to forget who we are so that we could bring something back with us. We have become masters of something  so great that beings off earth are cheering us on for mastering this.

It is as if the “heaven” or “nirvana” that some like to call it is being finished by us right now. We are putting the finishing touches on our new homes in a land that we are going to enjoy so much more than what we are able to conceive of here. In fact it sounds like here is like hell to those up there. I’m not complaining but when I feel down that thought makes me feel better. It’s not fantasy or sci-fi. Quantum physicists like Nassim Haramein have written all about this minus the video game analogy. His work has just recently been embraced by the physics community and will start leaking into the general public soon.

How did I do?

Does my explanations make sense?

I sure hope so. It is not easy to explain and I thought Super Mario Brothers and WOW were perfect analogies for an otherwise unexplainable subject. I’m sure a physicist or mathematician could break out a much more detailed and logical explanation for that which is illogical and that I am trying to make logical. But I am not a physicist or a mathematician.

I Am who I Am