Proof Things are Not as They Seem – Part 1 UFO’s

One of the themes of my experience is that things are most definitely not as they seem. You can pretend that they are and come up with scientific explanations to confirm that everything is business as usual. But sooner or later you will most likely throw in the towel and admit to yourself, “Ok, What the fuck is really going on?”

But there is no rush. This is your journey just as much as it is anyone else s. If you don’t feel ready to accept the new reality then don’t feel pressure from me or anyone else. You are here though. And you are reading this right now. I’ve gotta say you are off to a very very good start.

So I am going to start publishing proof that the world is different than we have thought. Not only that but there is something very important going on behind the scenes.

I would like to start off with a simple proof. Nothing to special and nothing that most readers out there are not already aware of…UFO’s. They are real. And they are surrounding our planet now. Don’t let that freak you out even a tiny bit. These are not evil Predator aliens. These are benevolent beings who are here to help us move into a galactic society. Many of them look very much human. Kind of like Star Trek. They may just have some slight differences. But some look very different from us.

Why don’t they just land you ask?
Well these beings from other planets have standards and rules. They are not like America where they will just barge through the door in the name of “Saving the Day” and “Ridding the Universe of Galactic Terrorists”. No, these beings see us as one family. And as dark as the current leadership is that is ruling this planet, they still will not just come in and try to fix it for us. They see it as it not being their place. We put those who are in power in their seats…kind of. And it is up to us to deliver ourselves. They are helping big time behind the scenes.

For example, we will never experience another nuclear detonation on our planet. Nuclear weapons not only destroy our planet but it is a sickness to the entire universe. So they are able to find out when someone with malicious intent is going to detonate a nuclear bomb either for testing purposes or a fake terrorist attack and they are able to thwart it.

They will land and help bring us new technologies when enough of us are open to this idea and won’t shit our pants when their gargantuan ships show up in the sky in plain sight.

What kind of technologies you ask?

Free Energy for one. That’s a no brainer. We actually have invented this ourselves years ago but it has been purposefully hidden and kept secret by the gas and electric companies because as nice as it would be to not have to pay for energy it would make it really hard for them to continue making a profit.

Quantum computing is another technology that will bring tons of benefits. It was recently announced that we have our first quantum computer.

Quantum computing will open the door to break throughs so huge it will seem like pure science fiction. Robots will be made that will be able to perform just like a human. No they will not take over the world like in iRobot. They took care of those malfunctions long ago. It will also open the doors to advancement in gaming like you wouldn’t believe. Would you like your very own holodeck? You will have one. And you will play games that are so indistinguishable from what we now consider reality that there will be triggers in the game added just so that you don’t forget that you are playing a game.

Transportation will drastically change. We will each have our own space ship that we will be able to use to travel with. But that may seem archaic to some because they will be introducing spiritual technologies to those who are capable that will allow teleportation.

I will leave it at that. But take those few items and let your mind wander.

This is no joke. This is reality and it is happening.

Life is going to get very very good as soon as enough of us wake up.

There has been a drastic increase in UFO sightings in the last two years. They are doing this on purpose so that we can wake up. An awesome guy over at YouTube has been benevolent enough to put together a compilation of the best UFO sightings that he finds each month. The video I posted above is one of his but there are much more. I want to encourage everyone to grab some popcorn and a loved one and spend a couple hours one night this week watching his videos. You can find them here…

Watch them and ask yourself, “Are these real? If they are what does that mean? Could the world truly be on the verge of a shift so great that life will never be the same in the grandest and most spectacular way? Could all the prophesies from so many religions and indigenous tribes actually be real?”

Yes, they are all real.

And I would love to hear anyone try to explain away all these sightings as special effects, bugs, air balloons, or whatever. Seriously, if you watch these videos and still don’t believe I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion. I promise not to laugh 🙂

And like I said there is more proof I will be posting. I have a real fun one that every one of you will be able to do from the comfort of your own home to prove to yourself that, “Things are not as they seem.” You won’t even have to take mushroom either… Unless you want to of course. But it’s not required.

Some Words on Fasting


Many have messaged me about fasting. They have asked how the not eating part of this experiment was for me so I decided to write a bit about that.

I fasted for 10 days for the first time about 10 years ago. I did a fast called “The Master Cleanser. You can read about it here if you are interested.

It involves only drinking a lemon drink that consists of fresh squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for the duration of the fast. They say that this drink will help rid the body of toxins that are being released through the process of fasting. I am convinced that it works.

When I first fasted back in 2003 it was incredibly challenging. I continued to work my day job that involved taking people out to lunch and dinner and I would just order tea. I would try to keep the fact that I was fasting a secret so that the focus of every meeting wouldn’t become about my fast. I also realized that if people knew I was fasting they would feel guilty for eating.

I made it back in 2003. The first 4 days were excruciating. However, I found out that on day 5 the hunger pains had subsided and were replaced by an incredibly clear and focused state of mind. This allowed me to develop ideas that I had and focus on areas of spiritual growth that were difficult to master while not fasting.

After the fast was over I didn’t want to go back to eating the way I did before. It wasn’t that I was horribly unhealthy, but before the fast I didn’t give to much thought about what I put into my body. From that point on I was very conscious of the foods I ate and tried to stick to mostly dishes that were heavy on fruits and vegetables.

The next time I attempted a 10 day fast was a couple of years later. That time it was much easier. Possibly because I knew what to expect and had adjusted to the feeling of hunger. But I have come to the belief that the toxins are what were causing the intense hunger and fatigue that I experienced the first time around. Some say that your body actually goes through withdrawals from substances like sugars, and unhealthy fats. I believe this to be true.

Last year I attempted the same fast but I did it for 20 days. I had been eating a mostly raw food diet at the time. I found the 20 day fast to be very easy. I didn’t even get fatigued but experienced the same clarity and focus that were present the previous 2 times. Even though I had taken an 8 year break from fasting all together. At the end of the 20 day fast I found myself not really wanting to eat. The state of mind I was in was so good that I didn’t want to lose it in exchange for eating. But I think there were some spicy lime cashews I had lying around and they were tempting enough to make me give in.

I lost a lot of weight during the 20 day fast. But I was also not at my ideal weight when I started it. I was about 185lbs and during the fast I dropped down to about 165.   When the fast was over my weight increased to 170. From then on I fluctuated between 170 and 175.

Before I decided to make this a magic mushroom fast it was just going to be a good old fashioned regular fast. In nature, alone, and with nothing to distract me. It was only after hearing the Radiolab episode on Bliss that I decided to add the magic mushroom twist to the mix. Best choice ever!!!!

I have mentioned this before in comments and what not. I can hardly remember feeling any hunger on this fast. Magic mushrooms tend to alleviate hunger pains. On top of that I have been living a very healthy lifestyle this past year. Consistent exercise, eating a mostly vegan diet, and meditating about 2 hours a day. All these factors helped this fast to flow with grace and ease. Just as I requested and exactly how I like it.

I will be writing an article soon that will attempt to summarize the whole experience for those who might wish to try it.  If you are someone who is thinking about working deeply with mushrooms I recommend trying to do a fast first. It doesn’t need to be 10 days and it doesn’t need to only be 10 days. Go with whatever feels right for you. If you have never fasted before try it for a day.

Fasting is a very healthy practice. It has nothing to do with weight loss. In fact on this last 10 day fast I didn’t lose more than a couple of pounds. I guess either those magic mushrooms are packed with calories or perhaps when your body finds its optimum weight and you fast consciously the body is able to maintain itself.

I don’t recommend fast for the purpose of weight loss. Although weight loss will be a bonus side effect that will come from giving your body a needed rest from digestion. And it will reward you with more energy and sexiness. It is like growing crops. I may not get this exactly right but for optimum produce it is recommended that farmers let the land rest every seven years so that the soil can regain its nutrients. Farmers that do not give the land a rest produce fruits and vegetables that lack certain vitamins and minerals. Your body is a reflection of the earth. Give it a rest and the fruits that you bear will be loaded with vitamins, minerals, and flavor.

Now go be the best fruit of vegetable you can be!

I Eat Nothing


( A Poem written on day 7 of my fast)


I am Good

I feel energized.


I feel like I could change the world at the drop of a hat. My world could change in the greatest way possible because all is perfect. All is always perfect.


I am looking through blue clear sunglasses as I write this and wonder to myself…


What are eyes?


Are they real?


What is their story?


Am I attached to them?

I think I am


But for how long? And can or relationship change?


Do we have more than two eyes?


I Am the big eye in the sky and I am doing a marvelous job doing what it is I do. Dealing with the little dysfunctions that come up here and there.


And are they really dysfunctions or are they lessons in disguise.


They are lessons


And I will soon be graduating.


We will all graduate soon. 

Psalm 23: All In with Four Aces


The Lord is my shepherd and what else could I possible need or want.

He makes me lay down in green pastures and leads me besides quiet waters. Then sometimes he fucks with me. Not the way a jerk sort of way. But in good fun. I say out loud that I have figured it out. Then I get tossed a curve ball that has me questioning my entire story. I say, “Everything is perfect!”, only to be greeted with circumstances that feel not so perfect. “How are you going to handle this one”, he says, “Seemingly struggling to fall apart on the floor laughing at his joke. “Can you change your perspective to make it all perfect again?”, he asks. And I do. And we laugh. The Lord is my personal comedian. I shall not be without laughter. He restores my soul if my soul is in need of restoration.

He also guides me in paths of righteousness. I barely have to think. I just walk out the door go somewhere and the most beautiful people and events just start appearing one after another. “You can’t go wrong.”, he says, “So relax and play.” So I play and I explore as I watch a multitude of endless paths appear before me as if the my entire world is being rearranged and reconfigured by my every thought and action.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Because from what I have come to understand is that evil doesn’t really exist. I mean it does. We all know what we label as evil. But if you stare evil in the eye without fear it begins to dissipate until it disappears. With this understanding even this valley of the shadow of death is not such a bad place after all. Now that I trust that I am totally taken care of and nothing will ever harm me I can walk anywhere and know that I will be greeted with love showing its face in a multitude of different ways.

I am never alone and always being watched and cared for by all that surrounds me. This guy over here…God. This guy that I have not believed in, been scared of, been mad at, and am now madly in love with he never leaves me and I like it that way.

He has got this rod and this staff and these things comfort me. They are his sticks that he uses to guide me. Now its true. When I was younger he had to pull out the rod once in awhile. I would find myself wandering off the path and He would give me a little swat on my bottom. I would cry for a moment and quickly find my way back to my path. It was just a little Fatherly love. I can’t even remember when the last time was that he pulled out that golden rod that said “Bad Mother Fucker” on it. I have reassured him that if for some reason I start wandering in the wrong direction and he can’t get my attention he has my full permission to pull out “Bad Mother Fucker” and get me back on my path. But we have very good communication these day. Most of the time He’s just has his staff in his hand and he’s waving it here and there with a BIG Big Labowski grin on his face. God I love that guy.

He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Wait a second. I have no enemies! HA! You joker 🙂 See what I mean. He pulls this shit all the time. Enemies…lol.

He anoints my head with oil and tussles my hair. My cup overflows with chocolaty goodness and I am full. I am satisfied.

I am 100% certain. I am making a bet that goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. I stand up from my seat and I push all my chips to the center of the table. I am all in. The announcer is going crazy as she can see I have two aces and there are two aces in the flop. Game over game over game over!!!!!

I will dwell in this house forever.

Thoughts on “Sleeping Lessons” – By The Shins

Go without
‘Til the need seeps in
You low animal
Collect your novel petals for the stem

We need to learn to go without through the practice of detachment. In doing so we will learn what in our life serves us and what doesn’t. When we continue to consume unconsciously because that is what we have always done we are only continuing to support the Stem. The Stem is the old way…the old system…the old paradigm, which is in the process of going away.

And glow
Melt and flow
Eviscerate your fragile frame
And spill it out in the ragged floor
A thousand different versions of yourself

Expand…Enjoy…Fall Apart…Put yourself back together…make mistakes…correct them…Explore…Travel…Connect. It is now time to rediscover who you are. You are more than what you think you are. You are infinite. You are free. And You are unstoppable.

And if the old guard still offend
They got nothing left on which you depend
So enlist every ounce
Of your bright blood
And off with their heads

The old guard is the corrupted old rule of this planet. It is the governments that continue to lie and hide things from the people. It is the banks that continue to steal from us right before our very eyes and laugh as they get away scott free. It is law enforcement criminalizing what is not crime while ignoring real crime. It is war and the propaganda that desperately tries to convince us to be afraid and that we have enemies to fight. It is the medical industry who is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance agency. Together they work to keep us just sick enough to keep us paying insurance premiums for pills that hide instead of heal our ailments. It is the media that feeds us a steady flow of reality TV that is made to look like news. The media works for those who own the banks and they are a group of less than 100 who ultimately make the calls. They are the stem, they are the old paradigm, they are Elite

Jump from the hook
You’re not obliged to swallow anything you despise
See, those unrepenting buzzards want your life
And they got no right
As sure as you have eyes
They got no right

We are free. Know this. Say it over and over again. “I am free” You know who you are. You can make your own decisions. What does freeing yourself look like to you? Sit with that question for awhile and see what comes up for you. The Elite does not care about you and they have no desire to change. They like their high position and they would like us to cooperate so that they can keep it. They are unrepentant and will not change. We must change first. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You really don’t. What do you do in your life that doesn’t make you happy? Stop it right now and don’t do it again until you have a good understanding on why it is good for you. If it is not let it go forever. No one has a right to take away your freedom. Nobody has a right to lie to scare you into remaining dependant on them. Do not be afraid. Jump off the hook and swim to freedom.

Just put yourself in my new shoes
And see that I do what I do
Because the old guard still offend
Their pudgy hearts and slimy hands
They’ve got nothing left on which we depend
So enlist every ounce
Of your bright blood
And off with their heads

Ok sure. Look at me. I am exploring my freedom and I feel like I have struck the Jackpot. I do whatever I want to do. I go where I want to go. It has taken deep inner work that hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it. But there are also so many others doing this too. Look around! We are waking up all over the world and deciding that we don’t want to waste a single moment doing anything that is not going to bring us joy and fulfillment. The old guard is still trying to push their agenda and frankly it is getting offensive. We don’t need them. We don’t. We are one and we have it in us to make this world into a beautiful place. We need to enlist every ounce of our power to push ourselves into what is coming. This is more of an inner push than an outer one. We need to go within and free ourselves. You have no ruler. You are your own master. You are your own God.

There is no need for violence. We just need to learn to stand firmly in our “Yes” and firmly in our “No”. We can do this with peace and a smile on our face.

Jump from the hook
You’re not obliged to swallow anything that you despise

Wake up Sleepy head. It’s morning. Wake up and do whatever you want to do. I see you. You are beautiful and you are trustworthy. Now lets have some fun!

God, The Universe Super Mario Brothers and World of Warcraft


I want to make another attempt to describe oneness and these realms that I have been traveling to. In this place that I go to there is a God but I am him and he is me. And there is you and you are me and I am you also. We are all one. We are all different flavors of one. In this place we all know this and so we all love each other to the infinith degree.

I know that one of the beings that I communicate with when I am in this realm is me. It is me that is outside of time and me in my perfection. It is the me that has figured it all out and this me is helping me out to do whatever it is that I am doing here.

This makes complete sense right? No?

Ok then. It’s time to call Super Mario Brothers to help me out with this one.

“Mario… Lugie”… “Here we go”


Ok, so consider that you are playing the newest and greatest version of Super Mario Brothers. I guess that would be The New Super Mario Brothers for the Wii U right now. So as you are playing The New Super Mario Brothers you hit a secret block that reveals a small Nintendo Game Cube. Mario in the New Super Mario Brothers hits the game cube and all of a sudden you are now playing Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube. But unlike in real life in this version of Mario brothers these Mario’s are linked. So if you complete certain tasks in Super Mario Sunshine it will give you special abilities in The New Super Mario Brothers for Wii U that you are currently playing. But that’s not all. The Mario in Super Mario Sunshine can hit a block on level 5-2 and if he does it brings up a classic NES system. By hitting it Mario will enter into one of his original forms as the original Super Mario. By jumping on the turtle on level 3-3 and getting 99 extra lives your Mario in both The New Super Mario Brothers and in Super Mario Brothers Sunshine will also get 99 extra lives. Get it??

You can take this whole game analogy all the way back the original Donkey Kong Classic!

I hope that helps a little.


This same analogy can be used with World of Warcraft to give the same example. For those who are familiar with World of Warcraft consider this. Let’s say you are a level 90 Night elf Druid with all epic gear. You are a master Alchemist and an Herbalist and you wish to be a master Miner and Jewelry crafter. There is a special room hidden in a tree on the coast of Stranglethorn Vale that allows you to contact and become your character again at level 30 when you originally picked up Alchemy and Herbalism. You are then able to make these changes at level 30 and when you return to your character at level 90 to enjoy some good old fashioned mastery of Mining and Jewelry Crafting.

You get what I am saying don’t you?

I know it sounds far fetched but what I am getting at is that this is how it works off of our planet and outside of time. This is how we are multidimensional spiritual beings living various lives at the same “time”.

We purposefully stranded ourselves here by choosing to forget that we had these godlike powers. But we didn’t just choose to forget because we like pain and we on earth are closest sadomasochists. There was a purpose to us coming here and choosing to forget who we are so that we could bring something back with us. We have become masters of something  so great that beings off earth are cheering us on for mastering this.

It is as if the “heaven” or “nirvana” that some like to call it is being finished by us right now. We are putting the finishing touches on our new homes in a land that we are going to enjoy so much more than what we are able to conceive of here. In fact it sounds like here is like hell to those up there. I’m not complaining but when I feel down that thought makes me feel better. It’s not fantasy or sci-fi. Quantum physicists like Nassim Haramein have written all about this minus the video game analogy. His work has just recently been embraced by the physics community and will start leaking into the general public soon.

How did I do?

Does my explanations make sense?

I sure hope so. It is not easy to explain and I thought Super Mario Brothers and WOW were perfect analogies for an otherwise unexplainable subject. I’m sure a physicist or mathematician could break out a much more detailed and logical explanation for that which is illogical and that I am trying to make logical. But I am not a physicist or a mathematician.

I Am who I Am