Proof Things are Not as They Seem – Part 1 UFO’s

One of the themes of my experience is that things are most definitely not as they seem. You can pretend that they are and come up with scientific explanations to confirm that everything is business as usual. But sooner or later you will most likely throw in the towel and admit to yourself, “Ok, What the fuck is really going on?”

But there is no rush. This is your journey just as much as it is anyone else s. If you don’t feel ready to accept the new reality then don’t feel pressure from me or anyone else. You are here though. And you are reading this right now. I’ve gotta say you are off to a very very good start.

So I am going to start publishing proof that the world is different than we have thought. Not only that but there is something very important going on behind the scenes.

I would like to start off with a simple proof. Nothing to special and nothing that most readers out there are not already aware of…UFO’s. They are real. And they are surrounding our planet now. Don’t let that freak you out even a tiny bit. These are not evil Predator aliens. These are benevolent beings who are here to help us move into a galactic society. Many of them look very much human. Kind of like Star Trek. They may just have some slight differences. But some look very different from us.

Why don’t they just land you ask?
Well these beings from other planets have standards and rules. They are not like America where they will just barge through the door in the name of “Saving the Day” and “Ridding the Universe of Galactic Terrorists”. No, these beings see us as one family. And as dark as the current leadership is that is ruling this planet, they still will not just come in and try to fix it for us. They see it as it not being their place. We put those who are in power in their seats…kind of. And it is up to us to deliver ourselves. They are helping big time behind the scenes.

For example, we will never experience another nuclear detonation on our planet. Nuclear weapons not only destroy our planet but it is a sickness to the entire universe. So they are able to find out when someone with malicious intent is going to detonate a nuclear bomb either for testing purposes or a fake terrorist attack and they are able to thwart it.

They will land and help bring us new technologies when enough of us are open to this idea and won’t shit our pants when their gargantuan ships show up in the sky in plain sight.

What kind of technologies you ask?

Free Energy for one. That’s a no brainer. We actually have invented this ourselves years ago but it has been purposefully hidden and kept secret by the gas and electric companies because as nice as it would be to not have to pay for energy it would make it really hard for them to continue making a profit.

Quantum computing is another technology that will bring tons of benefits. It was recently announced that we have our first quantum computer.

Quantum computing will open the door to break throughs so huge it will seem like pure science fiction. Robots will be made that will be able to perform just like a human. No they will not take over the world like in iRobot. They took care of those malfunctions long ago. It will also open the doors to advancement in gaming like you wouldn’t believe. Would you like your very own holodeck? You will have one. And you will play games that are so indistinguishable from what we now consider reality that there will be triggers in the game added just so that you don’t forget that you are playing a game.

Transportation will drastically change. We will each have our own space ship that we will be able to use to travel with. But that may seem archaic to some because they will be introducing spiritual technologies to those who are capable that will allow teleportation.

I will leave it at that. But take those few items and let your mind wander.

This is no joke. This is reality and it is happening.

Life is going to get very very good as soon as enough of us wake up.

There has been a drastic increase in UFO sightings in the last two years. They are doing this on purpose so that we can wake up. An awesome guy over at YouTube has been benevolent enough to put together a compilation of the best UFO sightings that he finds each month. The video I posted above is one of his but there are much more. I want to encourage everyone to grab some popcorn and a loved one and spend a couple hours one night this week watching his videos. You can find them here…

Watch them and ask yourself, “Are these real? If they are what does that mean? Could the world truly be on the verge of a shift so great that life will never be the same in the grandest and most spectacular way? Could all the prophesies from so many religions and indigenous tribes actually be real?”

Yes, they are all real.

And I would love to hear anyone try to explain away all these sightings as special effects, bugs, air balloons, or whatever. Seriously, if you watch these videos and still don’t believe I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion. I promise not to laugh 🙂

And like I said there is more proof I will be posting. I have a real fun one that every one of you will be able to do from the comfort of your own home to prove to yourself that, “Things are not as they seem.” You won’t even have to take mushroom either… Unless you want to of course. But it’s not required.