Destiny and the Human Race


When you feel that inspiration and when you get that first taste of the divine it is like nothing imaginable.

This is real? You mean I am more then what I believe myself to be?

This is what I was told.

The human race was an experiment. We are spirits from all throughout the universe here creating a new form of reality which is the physical. What we consider the mundane flesh and blood and trees and concrete is like the unreleased newest technology of the universe.

In many ways we who are here are the software builders and testers of this new technology. What we have completed is monumental. Forgetting who we are and being immersed in this reality has been a very important part of the process. There are those whose job is to break the software. We could see these as the dark. But realistically we are all working towards the same goal which is creating a new form of heaven. If you die and go to heaven now you are spirit. Because of the work we have done here there is a new heaven and it is based on what we know as our earth based reality.

From what I understand this in the greatest development in the history of the universe in ways that are I unfathomable to the currently limited human mind.

We are successful and now we are experiencing a slow and steady awakening from our forgetfulness and our limited abilities. In the years to come we will progress as a civilization in incredible ways.

As I understand it will just keep getting better and better and better and better for eternity. We will overcome death itself. In many ways we already have and this will be a reality in our lifetimes. Free energy will be available to all which will mean we will not have to spend our time working to get by. Our work and our play will be one in the same.

We will be given full disclosure as to our real history and what has happened along the way.

There will be no more questions only answers that unlock infinite possibilities.

This is not fantasy. This is reality. From what I gather trying to guess when big events will happen is useless as we are the architects of our own awakening and we are choosing to do this with grace and ease.

There are those of the darker nature who are trapped in a world of fear. These are the villains of the world and the ones who are financing war and the destruction of the earth.

They are being dealt with gently and will be shown compassion. However the time is coming when they must let go and face themselves.

Pray for truth to be revealed and work for your own awakening.

When you notice the magic and miracles in your own life that could only be recognized by you acknowledge them and be grateful. You do not need to explain it to others as often times these little miracles are beyond our ability to explain. Know that others are experiencing the same things in a way that is appropriate for them.

Congratulate yourselves on being the stars of the universe. We will all be celebrated and celebrate ourselves and each other for eternity.

Ayahuasca – The First Day of My Life

ayahuaska 1

Before I decided to take this journey with mushrooms I had worked with Ayahuasca on about 50 different occasions over a span of about 2 years. I would like to begin sharing about some of these most profound journeys starting with the first one.

About two years ago I was in a very different place in life. I had just completely transformed my life and was searching for answers while at the same time feeling equally guided to find the places I would find the answers I was seeking.

This led me to Ayahuasca. I have the coolest and most amazing mom in the world. In my personal opinion. She is a wise sage and is a shining example of being positive and loving. My mom had approached me 10 years earlier about her first Ayahuasca experience while I was a minister at a Christian church. At the time I was far too engulfed in religion to see outside of my point of view. I told her she was working with the devil and cried as I pleaded with her not to do it anymore. My mom, being the wise sage she is consoled me and made a decision not to talk to me about ayauaska anymore because I was not in a place yet to understand. Good on her.

Ten years later I was in a different place and I approaced my mom about ayahuaska. She was overjoyed to hear about my interest as she had continued to work with this plant regularly for the past ten years. She helped me find a ceremony to attend which turned out to be a 3 day ceremony in the wilderness and I signed up.

Looking back I believe that ayahuaska began working with me the moment I decided to partake in the experience. I didn’t know what to expect but my expectations were very high. One day about a week before the ceremony I took a hike by myself to meditate on what was coming. I was in so much gratitude as I thought about how lucky I was not only to work with Aya but to work with her with my mom there with me. As I reflected on this I sat down by the river. Without looking I put my hand down on the rocks I was sitting on and picked up a stone. This stone I randomly picked up was a piece of petrified wood with stripes throughout from the wood grain. I got the immediete sense that this stone meant something and I pulled out my camera to make a video about what I was feeling.

In the video I share about what I am doing at the time. As I share about my current life and carreer I begin laughing because I had this knowing that my life was about to change drastically and spectacularly. I even spoke to the love of my life who I had not met yet on this video because I had the sense that I was about to meet her also.

A week later after returning from a business trip to San Diego it was time for my first ceremony. My mom had asked me to give a ride to a friend of hers who had traveled from out of town to attend these 3 ceremonies. I was fine with this. I expected a woman my moms age. When I arrived to pick her up I was taken aback as there before me was laterally and by a long shot the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my entire life. She was so beautiful to me that she didn’t even seem real. Not in a plastic sort of way, but in a magical sort of way. We drove out to the ceremony and I learned that she was the same age as I was and we shared a similar life path of seeking the unknown but we had been seeking in very different ways. I was in love but I didn’t allow myself to get to attached because this woman was “Way out of my league!” the way I saw it. She was beautiful as ever and the most successful and wealthy woman at her age I had ever met. More than this she was very intelligent and strong. I had never had much success with women of this caliber so I was surrendered to just driving in the car with her and put away any pipe dreams of us being together.

After we arrived I got my things set up and found a place by the river to write. Someone had left some paints by the river and I decided to pain a picture. For some reason, maybe because I was in a sacred symbolic space I pained a picture of a man shining with purple lines all over his body and purple on his head. I ran out of space because of the size of the journal so the arms were a bit disproportional. Here is the picture I painted and it will come up again later.


I wrote about my excitement and my trepidation. I knew this was going to be a powerful experience but I recalled a few terrifying psychedelic experiences I had years ago in high school and I did not want to experience that again. I asked for a gentle first night.

Before the ceremony started I met with the shaman who said. “Try to sit up the whole time with your back straight. Often times people purge after drinking the medicine. If you do know that its normal. If you need anything during the ceremony let me know.”

I found my place and waited for my turn to drink. I had heard about ayahuaska tasting horrible and was pleased when I found the taste not bad at all. Different, and herbal tasting, but far from bad. After drinking I sat back down, the lights went off and gentle singing started.

At first I didn’t feel anything. But then about an hour in right before me a beautiful, feminine, colorful spirit of light showed up right in front of me. She put what seemed to be a hand on my heart and a hand on my stomach. I sat there in meditation and allowed her to do whatever she was doing. To this day I wasn’t sure if she was meeting me and scanning me or healing me. While she did this out of the corner of my right eye I could feel a chaotic “dark spirit” It was using words while the light spirit was working on me. It was saying, “Hey! Hey!… Look over here. Hey you! Look over here at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me!!!!”

I thought to myself, this beautiful spirit is working with me. I am not going to look at or even acknowledge this dark spirit. So I didn’t and it went away never to return again.

This first night was perfectly gentle as this light being sat across from me with her hands on me the entire evening. The communication was minimal that night but the overall message of the evening was, “This is a taste of what this experience is like. See there is nothing to worry about. Tomorrow will be much different but we wanted you ease you in gracefully.”

I felt like I was in very good hands. In fact I felt like I was in the hands of the most powerful being in the universe who could destroy me with a thought. But there was no possibility of me being destroyed or even hurt. I was being treated like an infant new born child with the utmost care.

And that was it for my first experience. But I do want to bring up another interesting thing that happened. This was the first day of my new life. Everything changed after that day as I will tell in future posts about the experiences that followed.

One month later I was still working with my previous company and had traveled a few hours to work on a malfunctioning radar on a boat. As the engineer that was with me finished with the repairs I stood at the end of the dock on looking at the water. I noticed that my reflection was shining. There were beams of light coming off my body in all directions. I had never seen this before and took several pictures. Here is one of them below.


The next day I showed the picture to a friend of mine who I had shared all of my ayahuasca experiences with. When she saw the picture she said, “It looks like your paining.” It did in fact look my painting in a strange way. I pulled out my painting and was amazed to see that the reflection in the picture could have very well been a refection of the guy in the painting. Even the arm being cut off in the painting matched the photo as one of my arms was short because I was holding that arm in front of me to take the picture.

Here is a picture of both images side by side.


Strange? I thought so. This was the one of many strange and wonderful experiences that left me saying, “That’s weird. I don’t know what that is supposed to mean if anything. I’m just going to leave this one alone as something cool I’ve experienced and not build up too much story about it.

After the ceremony I slept so soundly. I had nothing but excitement now for night number two. And for very good reason.

Proof Things are Not as They Seem – Part 1 UFO’s

One of the themes of my experience is that things are most definitely not as they seem. You can pretend that they are and come up with scientific explanations to confirm that everything is business as usual. But sooner or later you will most likely throw in the towel and admit to yourself, “Ok, What the fuck is really going on?”

But there is no rush. This is your journey just as much as it is anyone else s. If you don’t feel ready to accept the new reality then don’t feel pressure from me or anyone else. You are here though. And you are reading this right now. I’ve gotta say you are off to a very very good start.

So I am going to start publishing proof that the world is different than we have thought. Not only that but there is something very important going on behind the scenes.

I would like to start off with a simple proof. Nothing to special and nothing that most readers out there are not already aware of…UFO’s. They are real. And they are surrounding our planet now. Don’t let that freak you out even a tiny bit. These are not evil Predator aliens. These are benevolent beings who are here to help us move into a galactic society. Many of them look very much human. Kind of like Star Trek. They may just have some slight differences. But some look very different from us.

Why don’t they just land you ask?
Well these beings from other planets have standards and rules. They are not like America where they will just barge through the door in the name of “Saving the Day” and “Ridding the Universe of Galactic Terrorists”. No, these beings see us as one family. And as dark as the current leadership is that is ruling this planet, they still will not just come in and try to fix it for us. They see it as it not being their place. We put those who are in power in their seats…kind of. And it is up to us to deliver ourselves. They are helping big time behind the scenes.

For example, we will never experience another nuclear detonation on our planet. Nuclear weapons not only destroy our planet but it is a sickness to the entire universe. So they are able to find out when someone with malicious intent is going to detonate a nuclear bomb either for testing purposes or a fake terrorist attack and they are able to thwart it.

They will land and help bring us new technologies when enough of us are open to this idea and won’t shit our pants when their gargantuan ships show up in the sky in plain sight.

What kind of technologies you ask?

Free Energy for one. That’s a no brainer. We actually have invented this ourselves years ago but it has been purposefully hidden and kept secret by the gas and electric companies because as nice as it would be to not have to pay for energy it would make it really hard for them to continue making a profit.

Quantum computing is another technology that will bring tons of benefits. It was recently announced that we have our first quantum computer.

Quantum computing will open the door to break throughs so huge it will seem like pure science fiction. Robots will be made that will be able to perform just like a human. No they will not take over the world like in iRobot. They took care of those malfunctions long ago. It will also open the doors to advancement in gaming like you wouldn’t believe. Would you like your very own holodeck? You will have one. And you will play games that are so indistinguishable from what we now consider reality that there will be triggers in the game added just so that you don’t forget that you are playing a game.

Transportation will drastically change. We will each have our own space ship that we will be able to use to travel with. But that may seem archaic to some because they will be introducing spiritual technologies to those who are capable that will allow teleportation.

I will leave it at that. But take those few items and let your mind wander.

This is no joke. This is reality and it is happening.

Life is going to get very very good as soon as enough of us wake up.

There has been a drastic increase in UFO sightings in the last two years. They are doing this on purpose so that we can wake up. An awesome guy over at YouTube has been benevolent enough to put together a compilation of the best UFO sightings that he finds each month. The video I posted above is one of his but there are much more. I want to encourage everyone to grab some popcorn and a loved one and spend a couple hours one night this week watching his videos. You can find them here…

Watch them and ask yourself, “Are these real? If they are what does that mean? Could the world truly be on the verge of a shift so great that life will never be the same in the grandest and most spectacular way? Could all the prophesies from so many religions and indigenous tribes actually be real?”

Yes, they are all real.

And I would love to hear anyone try to explain away all these sightings as special effects, bugs, air balloons, or whatever. Seriously, if you watch these videos and still don’t believe I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion. I promise not to laugh 🙂

And like I said there is more proof I will be posting. I have a real fun one that every one of you will be able to do from the comfort of your own home to prove to yourself that, “Things are not as they seem.” You won’t even have to take mushroom either… Unless you want to of course. But it’s not required.

Thoughts on “Sleeping Lessons” – By The Shins

Go without
‘Til the need seeps in
You low animal
Collect your novel petals for the stem

We need to learn to go without through the practice of detachment. In doing so we will learn what in our life serves us and what doesn’t. When we continue to consume unconsciously because that is what we have always done we are only continuing to support the Stem. The Stem is the old way…the old system…the old paradigm, which is in the process of going away.

And glow
Melt and flow
Eviscerate your fragile frame
And spill it out in the ragged floor
A thousand different versions of yourself

Expand…Enjoy…Fall Apart…Put yourself back together…make mistakes…correct them…Explore…Travel…Connect. It is now time to rediscover who you are. You are more than what you think you are. You are infinite. You are free. And You are unstoppable.

And if the old guard still offend
They got nothing left on which you depend
So enlist every ounce
Of your bright blood
And off with their heads

The old guard is the corrupted old rule of this planet. It is the governments that continue to lie and hide things from the people. It is the banks that continue to steal from us right before our very eyes and laugh as they get away scott free. It is law enforcement criminalizing what is not crime while ignoring real crime. It is war and the propaganda that desperately tries to convince us to be afraid and that we have enemies to fight. It is the medical industry who is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance agency. Together they work to keep us just sick enough to keep us paying insurance premiums for pills that hide instead of heal our ailments. It is the media that feeds us a steady flow of reality TV that is made to look like news. The media works for those who own the banks and they are a group of less than 100 who ultimately make the calls. They are the stem, they are the old paradigm, they are Elite

Jump from the hook
You’re not obliged to swallow anything you despise
See, those unrepenting buzzards want your life
And they got no right
As sure as you have eyes
They got no right

We are free. Know this. Say it over and over again. “I am free” You know who you are. You can make your own decisions. What does freeing yourself look like to you? Sit with that question for awhile and see what comes up for you. The Elite does not care about you and they have no desire to change. They like their high position and they would like us to cooperate so that they can keep it. They are unrepentant and will not change. We must change first. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You really don’t. What do you do in your life that doesn’t make you happy? Stop it right now and don’t do it again until you have a good understanding on why it is good for you. If it is not let it go forever. No one has a right to take away your freedom. Nobody has a right to lie to scare you into remaining dependant on them. Do not be afraid. Jump off the hook and swim to freedom.

Just put yourself in my new shoes
And see that I do what I do
Because the old guard still offend
Their pudgy hearts and slimy hands
They’ve got nothing left on which we depend
So enlist every ounce
Of your bright blood
And off with their heads

Ok sure. Look at me. I am exploring my freedom and I feel like I have struck the Jackpot. I do whatever I want to do. I go where I want to go. It has taken deep inner work that hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it. But there are also so many others doing this too. Look around! We are waking up all over the world and deciding that we don’t want to waste a single moment doing anything that is not going to bring us joy and fulfillment. The old guard is still trying to push their agenda and frankly it is getting offensive. We don’t need them. We don’t. We are one and we have it in us to make this world into a beautiful place. We need to enlist every ounce of our power to push ourselves into what is coming. This is more of an inner push than an outer one. We need to go within and free ourselves. You have no ruler. You are your own master. You are your own God.

There is no need for violence. We just need to learn to stand firmly in our “Yes” and firmly in our “No”. We can do this with peace and a smile on our face.

Jump from the hook
You’re not obliged to swallow anything that you despise

Wake up Sleepy head. It’s morning. Wake up and do whatever you want to do. I see you. You are beautiful and you are trustworthy. Now lets have some fun!


Is it the end or the begining? It is both.
We are being born into a new era of understanding .
The old rules and beliefs will fall away like fall leaves and the new will blanket the earth like a freak overnight snowstorm. A most beautiful snow fall. Where you wake up and hear the sound of silence outside. You have no where to go and no where to be. The day is yours to enjoy forever. What ever will you do? I think you will find plenty to entertain yourself with as you kiss goodbye to boredom once and for all.

Nothing of the old will remain and so we must detach from everything and trust that with this graduation we will be receiving everything we ever dreamed for and beyond what we think is possible.

Who is deserving of this gift? Everyone is.

Everyone of us whether seen or unseen has played their cards perfectly in order to get us to where we are now. Some cards were played to speed up the process and others were played to slow it down. All have played and there will be no judgement of how one played or what you played. What is important is that you agreed to play without knowing how it would play out. You played the very best you could using all that you have.

Now we will cross the finish line together. Not one will be left behind. And the cheers for the last will be more resounding then the cheers for the first.. With this there will be no more hierarchy.

All is One and One is All.

The great sadness and joy will overtake us all and we will be one forevermore.

It is Done
It was Done
It was always Done
And it will always be Done
