Destiny and the Human Race


When you feel that inspiration and when you get that first taste of the divine it is like nothing imaginable.

This is real? You mean I am more then what I believe myself to be?

This is what I was told.

The human race was an experiment. We are spirits from all throughout the universe here creating a new form of reality which is the physical. What we consider the mundane flesh and blood and trees and concrete is like the unreleased newest technology of the universe.

In many ways we who are here are the software builders and testers of this new technology. What we have completed is monumental. Forgetting who we are and being immersed in this reality has been a very important part of the process. There are those whose job is to break the software. We could see these as the dark. But realistically we are all working towards the same goal which is creating a new form of heaven. If you die and go to heaven now you are spirit. Because of the work we have done here there is a new heaven and it is based on what we know as our earth based reality.

From what I understand this in the greatest development in the history of the universe in ways that are I unfathomable to the currently limited human mind.

We are successful and now we are experiencing a slow and steady awakening from our forgetfulness and our limited abilities. In the years to come we will progress as a civilization in incredible ways.

As I understand it will just keep getting better and better and better and better for eternity. We will overcome death itself. In many ways we already have and this will be a reality in our lifetimes. Free energy will be available to all which will mean we will not have to spend our time working to get by. Our work and our play will be one in the same.

We will be given full disclosure as to our real history and what has happened along the way.

There will be no more questions only answers that unlock infinite possibilities.

This is not fantasy. This is reality. From what I gather trying to guess when big events will happen is useless as we are the architects of our own awakening and we are choosing to do this with grace and ease.

There are those of the darker nature who are trapped in a world of fear. These are the villains of the world and the ones who are financing war and the destruction of the earth.

They are being dealt with gently and will be shown compassion. However the time is coming when they must let go and face themselves.

Pray for truth to be revealed and work for your own awakening.

When you notice the magic and miracles in your own life that could only be recognized by you acknowledge them and be grateful. You do not need to explain it to others as often times these little miracles are beyond our ability to explain. Know that others are experiencing the same things in a way that is appropriate for them.

Congratulate yourselves on being the stars of the universe. We will all be celebrated and celebrate ourselves and each other for eternity.

Reward : Ebola


I am offering a $100 reward to anyone who can show me a case of Ebola in a vegan. I am certain this cannot be found. I don’t think it will be found in vegetarians either however I am not 100% certain.

If you to eat meat and do not wish to stop at this time you can purchase oregano essential oil supplements. Doterra has a good edible oregano essential oil you can purchase here.

If you do this you should put the Oregano supplement in your mouth and refrain from swallowing it for about a minute. This will allow it to absorb through your mouth before entering your stomach. It will burn. If its too much water it down a bit.

There are many cures for Ebola. We will not hear about them through the media. Research into natural cures are not profitable. You need to prove it to yourself and then share the information.

The best way to start healing right now is by stopping eating any product that comes from cruelty to animals. Nature itself needs to put a stop to the way we are treating our four legged equals. The only way to get us to listen is through sickness. Most humans are far too detached from nature to know how to hear her voice or her messages. There are many messages coming through right now. Anyone who knows how to listen to these will know what I am saying.

The media will tell you it is some mysterious virus spreading randomly. It’s not. Do not contribute to animal cruelty through the food choices you make and you will not get sick.

As for mushroom medicine you cannot work with Amanita Muscaria if you have been eating meat. You will get very sick and vomit up the Amanita. You need to cleanse your system of meat before you can enjoy the gift Amanita has to offer.