Psalm 23: All In with Four Aces


The Lord is my shepherd and what else could I possible need or want.

He makes me lay down in green pastures and leads me besides quiet waters. Then sometimes he fucks with me. Not the way a jerk sort of way. But in good fun. I say out loud that I have figured it out. Then I get tossed a curve ball that has me questioning my entire story. I say, “Everything is perfect!”, only to be greeted with circumstances that feel not so perfect. “How are you going to handle this one”, he says, “Seemingly struggling to fall apart on the floor laughing at his joke. “Can you change your perspective to make it all perfect again?”, he asks. And I do. And we laugh. The Lord is my personal comedian. I shall not be without laughter. He restores my soul if my soul is in need of restoration.

He also guides me in paths of righteousness. I barely have to think. I just walk out the door go somewhere and the most beautiful people and events just start appearing one after another. “You can’t go wrong.”, he says, “So relax and play.” So I play and I explore as I watch a multitude of endless paths appear before me as if the my entire world is being rearranged and reconfigured by my every thought and action.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Because from what I have come to understand is that evil doesn’t really exist. I mean it does. We all know what we label as evil. But if you stare evil in the eye without fear it begins to dissipate until it disappears. With this understanding even this valley of the shadow of death is not such a bad place after all. Now that I trust that I am totally taken care of and nothing will ever harm me I can walk anywhere and know that I will be greeted with love showing its face in a multitude of different ways.

I am never alone and always being watched and cared for by all that surrounds me. This guy over here…God. This guy that I have not believed in, been scared of, been mad at, and am now madly in love with he never leaves me and I like it that way.

He has got this rod and this staff and these things comfort me. They are his sticks that he uses to guide me. Now its true. When I was younger he had to pull out the rod once in awhile. I would find myself wandering off the path and He would give me a little swat on my bottom. I would cry for a moment and quickly find my way back to my path. It was just a little Fatherly love. I can’t even remember when the last time was that he pulled out that golden rod that said “Bad Mother Fucker” on it. I have reassured him that if for some reason I start wandering in the wrong direction and he can’t get my attention he has my full permission to pull out “Bad Mother Fucker” and get me back on my path. But we have very good communication these day. Most of the time He’s just has his staff in his hand and he’s waving it here and there with a BIG Big Labowski grin on his face. God I love that guy.

He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Wait a second. I have no enemies! HA! You joker 🙂 See what I mean. He pulls this shit all the time. Enemies…lol.

He anoints my head with oil and tussles my hair. My cup overflows with chocolaty goodness and I am full. I am satisfied.

I am 100% certain. I am making a bet that goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. I stand up from my seat and I push all my chips to the center of the table. I am all in. The announcer is going crazy as she can see I have two aces and there are two aces in the flop. Game over game over game over!!!!!

I will dwell in this house forever.