Heaven on Earth, DMT and why life is good


It is a good time to talk about Heaven. There is going to be a whole lot of talk about heaven so get used to it. Not the fantasy heaven. Real scientifically proven heaven that is available before death. What??!!!??!

I know. I couldn’t believe it either when I first heard. Listen up.

Heaven is real you know. For those who think, “yeah right” or “you are crazy” I want to address you first. I know how you feel. Heaven???!! Like with angels and clouds and roads of gold. We have these images that are built off of stories that people have told who have tried to think of the best possible things this world has to offer. Let me tell you. You can think of the best possible earthly scenario, be it 77 sexy virgins, male or female, all wanting nothing more then to make sweet love to you for days. Or a beach with perfect weather and the best food and drinks. Luxury with castles and riches galore. All these things are utter crap compared to the real heaven. Meaning if you experience the real heaven and then someone offered you any of these options you wouldn’t even bat an eye. Not that those things are not great but Heaven is a whole new level of……jfjwijejdjejejdjdjjdjdjdjdhrhhwbbfbwh!!! Wordless!

I could say beauty but beauty doesn’t come close. There are no words in the human language that can really describe it and honestly I don’t know why. I can close my eyes and remember images but it would take me pages to try to describe a single snippit and by putting words to it would just feel gross because the words could not describe the feeling of perfection that is sustained by it.

Ok Here is a try
A father takes a look at his newborn baby that he thought was lost and is perfectly healthy. Their eyes lock. That feeling in his heart in that moment of realizing his baby is not only well but healthy and strong. That feeling sustained forever and going with you where ever you go. If this feeling could be a smell and a taste and a sight.

This is the natural state of a human. When you know for certain there is nothing to fear ever, you will always receive love, all your needs will always be met, all your desires will be fulfilled, you will never be deemed bad or less then for any of your desires all of your being releases it’s tension and says, “ahhhhhhhhhhhh” we don’t even realize how because of those tiny limiting thoughts we hold about ourselves we are kept from experiencing this thing we call heaven right here and now.

DMT is a natural substance that your brain creates. Smoking DMT can give someone a quick glimpse of this. Ayahuasca can get you there because once you have worked with ayahuasca enough to release deeply embedded past pain, trauma, and false beliefs, the DMT that is naturally produced in your brain from your pineal gland starts flowing again. Amanita is less understand but I believe to be a powerful assistant in healing the human bodies natural heaven producing system. As we free ourselves from within this chemical river starts flowing more and more freely within us.

Think of all of humanity in this state alway living together and inventing things together in a world of endless play. No limits! Nothing your mind can conceive of is beyond you. When your body is in this state it stops dying and then there is no fear of death and no race against time.

A big part of this heaven experience is each other. One person walking around in this free flowing system is in a far lower state then a group of people in this state even though they are in an enlightened state. We are each meant to be with and raise those around us simply by being together in this state.

This sounds like fantasy but it is real and every living human has all the parts to make it a reality. Our bodies have all the glands and organs to allow us to live in a state of eternal bliss. Crazy right! This is all legitimate. The research is already there scattered amongst many books. Anyone who chooses to skip the research and start working with meditation and plants like ayahuasca and mushrooms will receive their own proof.

The whole idea of hell is actually the state some are in now and almost all have discovered various degrees of on earth. Gnashing our teeth all stressed out. Alone. Exhausted. No hope for anything beyond this reality. Judging those around us not realizing we are only judging ourselves. Pissed off at this and that. Depressed. Not feeling love.

Wow! Heaven and Hell right here on earth going on at the same time to all various degrees.

Your body is your ticket to heaven or hell and you can jump back and forth. Although most prefer heaven there are actually some that enjoy hell. The soul gains experience from being in different states and so it is not bad if ones soul chooses to experience a hell state for the purpose of growth. Just don’t try to project your hell on others.

Your body is your golden ticket. That’s why it is so important to love it. Put only the best foods in it. Water it. Massage it. Move it around and stretch it. Meat, alcohol, and processed sugars are about the worst things you can put in your physical body that are acceptable to put in the body. These are all addiction forming. You don’t need any of them but if you partake in them and think of stopping for awhile your body goes into a fear response like it is going to die.

You will thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually the sooner you find the will to cut these out. No pressure but just know they are bringing you down.

Your mind is a major part of your body. Purge it of fears and negative thoughts and free it by living a life of freedom and love. Love others. Loving others can be heal your mind in ways that you cannot heal yourself. Meditation in combination with plants like magic mushrooms, marijuana are gentle ways of doing this that you can do every day and see immediate results. However, know you do not need to take plants medicine to reach these states you do need to learn to meditate. At least for now.

This is how this golden Age of Enlightenment is arriving. It’s not fantasy it is real and it is scientific. You can believe in it and science will start to back it up. It is coming really fast.

And one more thing about hell. I am not saying this so we get angry at anyone. Anger will not help anyone. As I mentioned there are those who like hell. There are those who wanted to be the rulers of hell. They are real and have been living on this planet. They have set up a genius system to perpetuate hell on earth. They know exactly what they are doing. They get humans addicted to sugar and meat and lots of chemicals we don’t know or ask about. These all keep us in a dumbed down state. We are given news about how bad things are and why we need to be afraid all the time. We are so overworked with our schedules because it is their system of money that keeps us running non stop. They use religion and traditions to produce guilt and shame in humans. The human race has been under attack on all sides. And they have created a system of confusing laws so they can do it legally. Even though they lost when I see what they almost did I can’t help to give them a gold clap and say touché. They almost pulled it off. They need our love and compassion. It’s over. Lets heal what got them to this place. No more need for punishment. That is their way. Does it work?

So much energy and organization is going into keeping us in a hell state so that they can be the rulers of hell on earth. It actually worked for them for a bit and they have created wars and been able to do all kinds of dastardly deeds that I have no interest in ever going in to.

Those who have kept humanity in this state are not even 1% of the population of the planet. Not even .5%. It is a teeny tiny group of individuals and they have no hope in sustaining what they were once becoming very successful at. Everyone else have been trained to keep the system going. News anchors and news producers who perpetuate fear are only doing their jobs. Police who attack protestors only want to take care of their families. They are in survival mode too. Bankers who are stealing money are only playing a game that feeds a hungry ego and makes them feel superior. These are not bad people and all of them have the ability to be a part of the heaven on earth that is unfolding and almost all of them will be.

Nobody will be turned away. Not even the ones who were perpetuating it. I think it would be great if everyone sticks around. Everyone can find healing for themselves.

Each just needs to choose what they want to create for themselves. Then we work with each other to make it happen.

It is going to get so good you are not even going to believe it.

It’s true I have seen it. I have got a sneak peak and received proof way beyond what is necessary. We are blessed to be alive in these times.

How Sweet it is
